Facts About The Human Body


The human is made up of many cells which collectively form tissues, organs and organ systems. Every organ system has a specific function to perform. For eg: the digestive system is involved in the digestion of the food consumed, the excretory system deals with the removal of nitrogenous wastes from the body, and so on.

Human anatomy refers to the study of the structures of human body and the relationship between different body parts. Human physiology, on the contrary, refers to the study of the functions of different body parts.

Let us have a look at some of the fun facts about the human body which might not be known to everyone.

  • The human body is made up of trillions of cells.
  • Human brain comprises 100 billion neurons.
  • The production of ear wax is essential for good ear health.
  • The inner ear is responsible for body balance.
  • An adult takes 20,000 breaths per day.
  • You cannot smell anything while you are asleep.
  • A human body can burn more calories while you are asleep.
  • Babies can dream even before birth.
  • The tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.
  • 80% of our brain is composed of water.
  • Bones contribute to only about 14% of the body weight.
  • 42 litres of urine is excreted by human adults each day.
  • The stomach acid is so strong that it would burn a hole in the body.
  • While you blush the lining of the stomach also reddens.
  • The stomach lining is renewed every two or three days.
  • The ears keep growing throughout the lifetime.
  • The sense of smell is more powerful in women.
  • People with higher I.Q. dream more.
  • The brain loses 1 gram every year in older people.

Thus we see how incredible and fascinating the human body is. For any information on any Biology related topics such as cell structures, cell functions, human anatomy, cell division, etc., visit BYJU’S website or subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel for interesting video lessons. You can also download BYJU’S app for further reference.