What are the best study materials for JEE Main 2019?

the best study materials for JEE Main 2019


The National Testing Agency from 2019 onwards will be conducting JEE Main Exam twice a year to shortlist candidates for IIT’s, NIT’s and GFTI’s. The exam will now be held online as a computer-based test with one attempt taking place in the month of January whereas the second attempt will be conducted in the month of April. The entrance exam is going to be conducted across the country and candidates in large numbers have enrolled for the exam. While every JEE aspirant dreams of cracking the entrance exam with flying colours, he/she should take help of best study material for JEE Main to realize their dream of securing best marks. Along with studying from best JEE Main 2019 Study material, candidates should also boost their preparation by practicing previous year JEE main question papers and mock tests.

the best study materials for JEE Main 2019

Owing to the huge number of applications, the exam competition level is going to be quite tough and clearing the exam even tougher. However, when you study for the exam by taking help of best study material, you can surely make your performance better.

Here’s a list of some of the most suggested and preferred study materials that you can utilize to give your JEE Main exam preparation the required boost.

JEE Main 2019 Important Books

To prepare for the JEE Mains entrance exam, candidates should have the detailed knowledge of the syllabus as well as exam pattern. Apart from that, candidates should also make use of best and most recommended JEE Main books for each subject to boost their exam preparation. As there are plenty of books available in the market that specifically target JEE Main exam, it is important that you select the ones that are most recommended.

Given below are few important and popular books that you can surely rely upon to supplement your JEE Main exam preparation.

Name of the Subject Name of the Book Name of Publication/Writer
Physics Concepts of Physics – Volume 1 and Volume 2
Complete Physics for JEE Main 2019
HC Verma

Chemistry NCERT Books for Theory
IIT Chemistry    
Complete Chemistry for JEE Main                 
O.P Tandon
Maths IIT Mathematics
The Pearson Guide to Complete Mathematics for JEE
R.D Sharma
S.L Loney

Strengthen Your Foundation with Class Notes

Since the Joint Entrance Exam tests the basic knowledge of aspirants in Maths, Physics and Chemistry, candidates should look to strengthen their basics. Lay the initial stone of the JEE Main preparation by preparing the notes for each subject. Class notes make for an excellent study material for exam preparation and help in strengthening the basics. Preparing class notes on regular basis can help you understand the basic concepts in each subject and find out your strong and week areas. Therefore, if the basic concepts are cleared and have been fully understood, you can proceed in the right direction to prepare effectively for the exam.

Previous Year Question Papers

Another important type of study material that contributes significantly to JEE Main exam preparation is previous year question papers. Solving the previous year JEE Main question papers can help your significantly in boosting your exam preparation. Attempting previous year JEE Main question papers will let you know have complete idea of the exam pattern, type of questions asked in the exam and overall difficulty level. Additionally, it lets you figure out your overall level of preparation by enabling you identify your week and strong areas. Once, you are aware about your weaknesses you can devise strategy plan to improve them to enhance your chances of scoring better marks in the exam.

Online Test Series and Mock Tests

One of the best ways that you can adopt to prepare for JEE Main exam 2019 is by attempting online mock tests. A large number of online and offline coaching institutes across the county make available the facility of JEE main test series and mock tests to assist candidates prepare effectively for the exam. The online test series and mock tests can help you evaluate the level of exam and analyse the prevailing competition. Attempting online tests on regular basis would also assist you to approach the exam in an informed manner knowing exactly the type of questions asked, level of difficulty and exam pattern.

Online video tutorials

Internet is the source of large amount of information and you can always go online to learn about important concepts via online video tutorials. Many individuals and online education platforms provide tutorials on important topics to assists students clear their doubts and form understanding of such topics. The best thing about online video tutorials is that you can learn and prepare important topics at the comfort of your home. Moreover, through online classes and video tutorials you can solve your doubts on complex topics to give yourself the opportunity to score better in the JEE Main exam.

JEE Main Short Notes

Preparing topic wise short notes for each subject, i.e. physics, maths and chemistry can always prove handy with exam preparation. You can possibly write down and maintain short notes for important formulas, short descriptions of important topics and crucial details for each subject. Additionally, you can mention in notes important topics that you must revise before few days of the exam. Such short descriptions and details can help in quick revision before the day of the exam enabling you cover a greater number of topics as possible.

Conclusion –

Preparing for the JEE Main exam is not easy from any stretch of imagination. However, with correct approach and determination, one can always take move forward in the right direction with exam preparation. Preparing for the exam requires aspirants have sound understanding of the basic concepts in each subject. Additionally, utilizing best books and practicing through previous year tests forms the key and can lead to success.

Don’t forget to download JEE Main preparation app. It provides free study material, quizzes, mock test, previous year question papers, and all the updates related JEE exam.

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